One wig. Six Performers. ONE CHAMPION.
It's NorthWest Ohio's most talked about event since they began construction on the Memorial Jerry Springer Auditorium- it's the Wig Pageant! Hosted by Daytime Emmy Nominated Actor Vince Michael LaFontaine and his semi-polyamorous partner, former Miss Burning River Cleveland Ohio 1984, Miss Charrels Mayhew Millér-LaFontaine, six character actors compete in hopes of being crowned the winner of the pageant. Each performer is given the same wig and a 5 minute set to perform a piece as the character they have developed with the wig. At the end of the pageant, the audience chooses the winner of this month’s pageant. It's a Miss America Pageants meets a John Waters film meets a QVC commercial- there's musical numbers, commercials, and a whole lot of CHARACTER ACTING! Performed at Brooklyn Comedy Collective from September 2023 to April 2024